The birth of the logo
Make a Test. Unleash Creativity.
Experiment with combining liquid and tools. Explore how these two elements can connect, creating a unique synergy.
Challenge yourself to convey a deeper, hidden message about who you are through this combination. Let it be a reflection of your creativity, innovation, and personal story.
First photos
We’ve captured the photos of our flask in its element - out in nature. Its sleek design and functionality truly stand out. With this milestone behind us, we’re excited to announce that our next step is launching the website for sales.
Last steps
Just a few more steps separate us from the first product shipment. We're finalizing the shipping logistics and working on the graphic design. The first development phase is now behind us. We have successfully completed all the testing, addressing the remaining issues, thus creating a functional and practical product.
Tool making
In the case of newly created products, resourcefulness and thoughtful development of new tools to facilitate production processes are important. Recently, we have been engaged in the creation of a tool that will assist in plastic cutting.
First parts
Because our aim is to achieve a distinctive product with the highest quality of craftsmanship, the process of selecting technology and materials is more extensive than usual. In its physical form, two pieces of the lower part of the bottle are already present, serving for easy opening and closing of the storage compartment.
Free time
As there is progressively less time for leisure activities, it's worthwhile to make the most of it. Prioritizing friendships and maintaining good relationships takes precedence. And naturally, this is also the ideal opportunity for generating new ideas!
After extensive testing, we began to recognize potential issues that arise over time with usage. Likewise, parts of the product that are poorly designed and in need of improvement became apparent. Not only the manufacturing process but also the materials used will play a crucial role at this stage.
Testing the first refined prototype. More than the materials and manufacturing process, we are interested in the user experience and, above all, ease of use.
First prototype
Following our brainstorming session, the idea that emerged is to use a water bottle to store the essentials typically carried on a bike (such as car keys, tools, money, etc.). The goal is to create a bottle that can effectively hold both fluids and solid items. Our initial approach involves developing a prototype using 3D printing and subjecting it to rigorous testing.
The idea
We aspired to transfer our knowledge into a tangible creation that we could craft and sell to customers who would find joy in using it. Both of us have been dedicated bikers for several years, so our initial train of thought naturally led us to bicycles. Our initial idea revolved around making it easier to STASH all the items you carry on your bike, without encountering issues of excessive equipement.